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Downplaying Why Canada Stopped Funding UNRWA in 2010

“POLITICIANS TRADE BARBS IN HOUSE OVER UNRWA FUNDING” (1) , downplays why the Canadian government stopped funding UNRWA in 2010. It was not because of the “agency’s widely reported ties to Hamas”, which “Canada considers to be a terrorist group”.

Canada government broke ties with UNRWA after a definitive report was released by the European Parliament which documented the March 2009 electoral takeover by Hamas of the UNRWA workers union and the UNRWA teachers association. It is not that Canada “considers Hamas to be a terrorist group”. Hamas is defined by law enforcement authorities to this day by the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and even by the EU as a terrorist entity. It should have been emphasized in this article that Hamas remains in tight control of the UNRWA workers association and UNRWA teachers association to this day. That places the Canadian Parliament debate about UNRWA “neutrality” in context.

Please consider the most recent monograph which The Center for Near East Policy Research( 2) recently submitted to the UN Secretary General which documents how Hamas in Gaza continues to rule the roost in UNRWA, where 83% of Gazans live.

(1) http://www.cjnews.com/news/canada/politicians-trade-barbs-in-house-over-unrwa-funding
(2) https://unrwa-monitor.com/unrwa-schools-in-the-gaza-strip-a-hotbed-for-islamic-radicalism-updated-october-2018/17826/


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