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UNRWA schools in the Gaza Strip a hotbed for Islamic Radicalism (updated October 2018)

Canada increases funding for UNRWA

On October 12, 2018Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced Canada’s support of up to $50 million over two years for Palestinian refugees through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Canada will also provide up to $12.5 million for Right to Play International. Since 2016, Canada has committed $110 million in support for UNRWA.[1]

According to Bibeau, “up to $40 million will contribute to meeting the basic education, health and livelihood needs of millions of Palestinian refugees, especially women and children… [and] up to $10 million of Canada’s support will provide emergency life-saving assistance to more than 460,000 Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon, through UNRWA’s Emergency Appeal for the Syria regional crisis.”[2]

On March 15, 2018 – Bibeau announced that Canada is contributing up to $10 million in emergency humanitarian assistance for Palestinian refugees. According to the official statement, “Canada will also continue to exercise enhanced due diligence regarding its funding and assist UNRWA in its ongoing efforts to improve neutrality within the agency and its operations. This assistance underlines how Canada and the UNRWA continue to work together to ensure respect for the values of the United Nations and the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, operational independence and impartiality.”[3]

On August 24, 2017 Bibeau announced Canada’s continued support of up to $25 million to “Palestinian refugees” via the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).


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