Date: May 21, 2021
Why has the time has come for “The Voice of Reason”
A threat to reconciliation in the Middle East remains the “education” of the Palestine Liberation Organization school system, which indoctrinates the next generation of Arab youth to adhere to a genocidal message; Total war on the Jews.
Full Disclosure: The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research has filmed PA and UNRWA schools with the help of Arab TV crews since 2000, while hiring Dr. Arnon Groiss to examine all 1,000 PLO textbooks used by the Palestinian Authority and by UNRWA.
See for yourself:
Dr. Groiss, a journalist holding a Phd in Islamic Studies with 40 years of experience at the Arabic Language Service of the The Israel Broadcasting Authority, could not find one PA school book for peace.
See for yourself:
The panacea of the peace process was supposed to emerge when Palestinian Arabs would generate their own schools.
However, following the 1993 Oslo accords, the nascent Palestinian Authority- operating under the aegis of the Palestine Liberation Organization , fostered a mandatory curriculum of total war which it imposed on UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency refugee camps in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem.
Sucn a curriculum adhered to the charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization – not to the charter of the UN – that Jews have no place in Palestine, any part of Palestine.
The good news: Aanyone who lives in Israel will discern that Arabs are not of one way of thinking.
There are Arabs who believe in peace and reconciliation , and not in a “hudna”, which is nothing but a respite in a time of war.
The time has come to nurture an alternative.
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