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I spoke to the UN Security Council’s hearts today

An organization known as the “Parents Circle” dispatched Robi Damelin to the US legation at the UN to testify at the UN Security Council about the death of 68 Arab children in Gaza and the necessity of education for Palestinian children.

US ambassador at the UN Linda Greenfield hosted & endorsed the testimony of Robi Damelin at the UN Security Council.

Have asked – What do the Parents Circle and the US Legation at the UN say about UNRWA children trained with weapons on the front line?

What do the Parents Circle and the US Legation at the UN have to say about the PA/UNRWA curriculum which trains Palestinian Arab children for total war?



On Thursday, May 26, 2022, 11:32:23 PM GMT+3, Robi Damelin, bereaved Israeli mother, Parents Circle <robi@parentscirclefriends.org> wrote:

Dear David,

“There is hope. I can tell all of you here that if there is no hope, there will never be peace. It is a remarkably important part of the peace seeking equation.”

–Robi Damelin, bereaved Israeli mother, briefing the UN Security Council
Today, I was invited by the U.S. Delegate to the United Nations to brief the UN Security Council. The meeting focused on the situation in Israel and Palestine, the escalation of violence and settlement expansion.

I spoke to their hearts. I told them how this conflict has affected me and the 600 bereaved Palestinian Israelis in the PCFF.

I stressed that peace is not possible without reconciliation.

I invited them to come to Palestine and Israel and see the human cost of the conflict on the ground.

I reminded them of the 68 children who were killed in the most recent war in Gaza. I asked them if any of them knew their names.

I urged them not to take sides.

I demanded that they maintain a sense of hope, and to never give up.

The Parents Circle knows that people listen with their hearts. Even the U.N. Security Council.

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In peace,

Robi Damelin
Bereaved Israeli mother
Parents Circle – Families Forum

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