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UNRWA incites during a time of war

David Bedein


At a time when the war in Gaza continues in full force, Israeli state security services are finally enforcing a crackdown on incitement, a step which our agency has advocated for more than 30 years.

In that context, more than one hundred Israeli and Palestinian Arabs have been arrested for demonstrating active support of the new campaign to butcher Jewish men, women children and babies.

What has so far gone unreported are the daily celebrations of these murders of Jews. celebrations which are now being conducted in the UNRWA refugee camps in Bethlehem and in Jerusalem, which have become weapons arsenals and may spill over into attacks on Jews in the heart of Israel, at any moment.

At this time, we dispatch TV crews to document the new campaign to incite genocidal violence in the UNRWA refugee camps of Deheishe and Aida in Bethlehem and the UNRWA camp in Shuafat in Jerusalem.

The crews are asked to interview the children in these camps. as we have done in earlier movies,which can be seen at https://www.cfnepr.com/205640/Movies

We are always a few steps ahead of the Israeli security establishment when it comes to our coverage of lethal incitement because our cameras are on site before the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli intelligence services arrive.

During the heyday of the supposed peace process, the Israeli security establishment did everything possible to prevent this material from being screened, since we unmask the true face of Israel’s “peace partners”.

For that reason, our initiative remains a private initiative. 

That is why funds to produce this new short documentary which will expose  UNRWA incitement during this war will remain in the private domain.


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