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Comprehensive report: 20 year study of texts used by PA and UNRWA

On Sunday, December 22nd, 2019, at noon at the Jerusalem municipality, in building 1 in the Jerusalem Municipality (Safra Square 1), in the “model room”, at a briefing hosted by Jerusalem Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Fleur Hassan Nahoum, on the subject of Arab education in Jerusalem,  the Center for Near East Policy Research will release the final comprehensive report of its twenty year study of school books of the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA, now used in PA and UNRWA schools in Jerusalem.

Dr. Arnon Groiss, expert and author of the study, will be present at the briefing with copies of the report in English and in Hebrew.

Dr. Groiss, who has examined all 109 teachers manuals and all 365 school books of the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA since the PA began to issue its own school books in August 2000, most recently provided a thorough briefing on the subject for the staff of UN Secretary General António Guterres , the staff of Senator James Risch, the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the staff of Rep. Ted Deutch, the head of the Middle East Subcommittee of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.

This past week, the US House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously passed H.R. 2343 on Wednesday, called the Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act,  would require the US Secretary of State to submit annual reports reviewing such educational material used by the Palestinian Authority for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee.


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