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David Bedein


On February 27,  2024 a conference convened at the UN  in Geneva, instigated by activists who demand that UNRWA be replaced.

However, the UN made it clear that it will not allow the replacement of UNRWA,  which oversees 5 million people  in “temporary” refugee camps for descendants of Arabs who left villages in the wake of the 1948 war.

Since UNRWA is not going anywhere, the time has come to  address the challenge at hand: 

How to get UNRWA to conform to the values of peace and reconciliation that characterize UN values. 

Instead of promoting UN values, UNRWA has declared a state of war against the Jews, demanding  implementation their “right of return –  by force of arms- to villages that existed before 1948” –  with full  support from  Hamas, the Palestinian   Authority,  Saudi Arabia, Iran , Turkey, the EU, Norway, the US State Department,  the Israel Communist Party and the New Israel Fund. Since the UN hows no sign of changing UNRWA policy, the  parliaments of UNRWA donor nations,   designated to oversee UNRWA policies, can be asked take up the challenge. These are seven steps  that can be taken to promote UNRWA as a UN advocate or peace. 

* Revive the RWG, the Refugee Working  Group of donor nations, initiated at the Madrid peace conference in 1991, to oversee  UNRWA transparency for the $1.6 billion UNRWA budget, most of which is garnered through cash donations:  

* Disarm UNRWA facilities: 
* Remove  UNRWA workers affiliated with terrorists  
* Prosecute UNRWA officials who aid and abet violence. 
* Facilitate  a new UNRWA school system, to operate under  UN guidelines for  peace and reconciliation, in the spirit of the theme of UN education: PEACE BEGINS HERE. 
* Introduce UNRWA maps which depict all sovereign nations.  
* Adopt the UNHCR principle which allows refugees to be resettled in dignity. 

While a change in the UNRWA mandate would require approval by the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, a peaceful change in the day to day policies of UNRWA require no such approval  by the UNGA. 

David Bedein has directed the Israel Resource News Agency since  1987 and heads the Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, which has produced 24 movies shot on location in UNRWA camps, while engaging academics fluent in Arabic to review  more than  1000 PA textbooks used by UNRWA schools . ever since the PA education ministry launched its own textbooks in August 2000   He is the author of “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority” and “Roadblock to Peace: How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA Policies Reconsidered.

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