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Can PLO cancel an accord that the PLO never ratified?

In response to the May 20, 2020 report in HaAretz “Palestinian President Abbas Declares End to Agreements With Israel, U.S“.. It is difficult to cancel an accord which the PLO never ratified in the first place.

How did that occur?

In October. 1993, Pinhas Inbari. correspondent for the left wing newspaper Al HaMishmar , who covered the PLO headquarters in Tunis, revealed that the PLO did not ratify the Oslo Accord that Arafat and Abbas had initialed on the White House lawn in September, 1993. The validity of the Oslo accord was predicated on ratification by the Israel Knesset Parliament and by the PLO executive council. The Knesset ratified the accord., on September 20, 1993, by a vote of 61-50. 27 years later, the PLO, which oversees the Palestinian Authority, has yet to approve the Oslo accords.

Also Read: The Secrets that were Buried With Arafat: Few People Know That Arafat Never Got a Quorum in Tunis To Ratify The Oslo Agreement


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