(Online) Unrwa-Monitor.com

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Freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​ means nothing

The Israeli government freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​, the precise ​amount designated for ​PLO terrorists and ​their ​families​,​ carries no weight and no significance​.

This does not cancel the unprecedented ordinance of the Palestinian Authority, enforced by Machmud Abbas, which grants automatic rewards for murder of a Jew.
​Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has announced that it will make up any resulting deficit in the PA budget which might result from a cut of funds to killers.

What would make a difference?

​Pressure on the Israel law enforcement system to arrest anyone who pays a gratuity for murder.

Israel Resource News Agency, at the Center for Near East Policy Research​, has confirmed with the Israel Ministry of Justice that the Palestine Liberation Organization and its administrative arm, the Palestinian Authority, enjoy no immunity from prosecution as an accessory to murder.

It goes without saying that if a Jew would announce that he would pay anyone who murdered an Arab, he would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


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