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Decisions made by political leaders and those in authority usually reflect their priorities…writes Michael Kuttner.

It is thus easy to ascertain despite any accompanying media spin exactly what their real intentions are and how they intend to go about trying to implement them. In most cases the culprits erroneously believe that the masses can be easily fooled and hoodwinked and in this assumption they are correct. However thanks these days to eagle-eyed watch dog groups and social media it has become more difficult to “pull the wool” over everyone. Once found out, the resultant fallout and “egg on face” revelations merely reinforce negative perceptions of the perpetrators.

This week has provided another bumper crop of examples, in fact a veritable harvest of double standards and hypocritical attitudes.


Without a doubt the President of the Palestinian Arab Authority who is now in the fourteenth year of his four year term has clocked up more flight miles than most. Obviously those in control of the PA finances, which admittedly is a rather loose term, feel that flying first class is not good enough. After all for someone of his age who flies hither and thither every week something more fitting to his status is required. Remember also that the hangers-on need to join the junkets so obviously one can no longer rely on commercial airlines to fulfill the demanding requirements of a world-class commuter.

Therefore with little fanfare, for obvious reasons, it has been reported that the cash strapped PA is purchasing a fifty million (US dollars that is) plane to enable the President to travel in the manner befitting one of the international community’s exalted members. In the normal course of events, all things being equal, this item of expenditure would not raise too many eyebrows. However given the constant pleas of poverty emanating from Ramallah and the fact that billions of foreign aid pouring into the bottomless coffers of that kleptocracy it is nothing short of scandalous that the world media and of course donor nations are conspicuously silent. This new addition will enable Abbas and friends to whisk themselves even more frequently to not only the usual destinations which have no difficulty in hosting supporters of revisionist history but also no doubt to other countries hitherto unvisited.

If ever there was a case of misplaced priorities this is a glaring example.


Hamas, the terror rulers of Gaza, have also made an industry of using billions of donor funds for projects that have nothing to do with improving the lives of their citizens or resettling Arab refugees who still are kept hostage in miserable camps. Constructing terror tunnels to murder Israelis and investing further millions in developing rockets and missiles have taken priority over providing infrastructure which would provide electricity, water and health care to a population in dire need of these basic necessities. Those in charge know only too well that they can easily manipulate international opinion to blame Israel for any problems besetting them and therefore are able to continually squeeze ever more money from taxpayers in a multitude of countries, including Australia and New Zealand. UNRWA which helps to perpetuate the refugee problem is also complicit in this campaign of deception.

Right on cue as the USA finally decides to pull the plug, the local and international chorus of the usual suspect choirs, burst forth with their serenades of blame. Who are they blaming? The USA and Israel of course instead of the corrupt groups which divert aid funds towards projects of terror.  Every single disaster which the residents of Gaza allegedly face could have been averted had those in charge of receiving your money not stolen it for nefarious purposes. It reminds me of the old Jewish story where a child murders his parents and then complains to the court that he is now an orphan and destitute. T

Talk about skewed priorities.

This, however, is not the end of the story. Lo and behold, Al-Jazeera, a news source which nobody can accuse of being a Zionist tool, has produced a short documentary about the wonders of Gaza. In this eye opener, viewers are exposed to a reality which has been successfully kept hidden. The facts revealed in this exposé are astounding and contradict every lie, claim of dire poverty, deprivation and siege swallowed hook, line and sinker by the Israel haters of this world. If the scenes portrayed can benefit the minority why cannot the rulers of Gaza utilise the billions provided for the benefit of the deprived masses?

We all know the answers to that and therein are revealed the fundamental perversions of priorities.

Watch this video (courtesy of MEMRI) and marvel at how many have been and continue to be fooled for so long.



The clearest example of how messed up priorities can inflict damage on those promoting boycotts of Israeli expertise is revealed in South Africa. Cape Town is facing an imminent water shortage disaster when its dam runs dry and the taps are turned off. All this could have been averted had the South African authorities availed themselves in time of Israeli proffered assistance. Recognised as world leaders in water resource technology, Israel’s expertise was available. However, as leading proponents of shunning Israel, the South African authorities have instead condemned their citizens to a waterless third world existence. Perhaps they should ask their “friends” in Ramallah to help them out of this mess.

This is another classic case of Government inspired stupidity and dumb priorities.


A recent meeting between the leader of Turkey and the head of the Roman Catholic Church highlighted once again how misplaced priorities can supersede realties. One would have thought that top of the agenda would be the question on how to combat religious extremism and promotion of jihadist terror, a condemnation of the Armenian genocide and the dire situation which Christians find themselves in all over the Islamic world.

Instead, top priority was given to denouncing the fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s Capital and the threat to world peace posed by that incontrovertible fact. Given past Vatican sponsored crusades and Ottoman efforts to deny any Jewish connection to Jerusalem it should come as no surprise that in 2018 this subject is deemed to be still relevant.


It has been revealed that after months of tortuous negotiations the two main political parties in Germany have finally entered into a coalition agreement. Amazingly despite the major threats facing European countries in general and Germany in particular, the subject of condemning Jews settling their ancient homeland and its Capital takes a prominent spot in the agenda of the new German Government. The threat of terror, economic chaos and an illegal immigration crisis is second place in the scale of priorities. It’s a pity that Angela Merkel in desperately trying to keep her party in power has seemingly succumbed to the latest fad of Jewish historical denial. No amount of hand wringing expressions of solidarity will erase the misplaced priorities of the coalition agreement.

Proof that the EU is motivated by double standards is their silence in the face of the murder of two Rabbis by Arab terrorists. While Abbas and his colleagues praise the martyrdom of the murderers, the EU of which Germany is one of the leading members remains mute.

Twisted priorities speak volumes about true intentions. It behooves us to take note and act accordingly.

Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who for many years was actively involved with various communal organisations connected to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel and is J-Wire’s correspondent in the region.

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