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News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (September 11-16, 2019)

This week, the return march was characterized by a relatively high level of violence. Many IEDs, grenades and Molotov cocktails were thrown at IDF forces. Palestinians attempted to damage the security fence and even crossed into Israeli territory. The IDF response reportedly resulted in dozens of casualties. The Palestinian media continues its threats of further violence (implementing “harsh measures”), including the resumption of the activity of the Night Harassment Units.

During the week, five rockets were launched at Israel in two separate incidents. No organization claimed responsibility. On September 10, 2019, two rockets were launched at the cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon and were intercepted by the Iron Dome system. Prime Minister Netanyahu, who was speaking at a political rally in Ashdod at the time, was evacuated. Hamas and the PIJ took advantage of the incident for propaganda purposes. On September 11, 2019, three rockets were launched at the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council. One of the rockets landed in the yard of a house, causing minor damage. In both cases, the IDF responded by attacking Hamas targets.

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement that if he is elected his administration will apply Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley has led to a wave of condemnations among the Palestinians. The Palestinian Authority spokesmen threatened that if Israel carried out its intention, all agreements between it and Israel would be canceled. In addition, the Palestinian Authority’s Foreign Ministry announced its intention to operate in international forums, including the UN Security Council, to thwart Israel’s intention.

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