(Online) Unrwa-Monitor.com

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Launching a “Hope for the Future” Campaign at the fall session of the UN General Assembly

To ask UNRWA donor nations to oversee   UNRWA schools, stop war advocacy , advocate  transparency and  advance resettlement of 6.7 million “refugees for perpetuity”,  confined to  the indignity of 59 “temporary” refugee camps… under the promise of the “right of return” to villages that no longer exist.

The Campaign   

1. Commission studies on How to Resettle Refugees with Dignity.

2. Translate  and Present current UNRWA text books in English, German, French and Spanish , since Germany,  France, Switzerland, Spain, the US, Canada and the UK remain the most influential UNRWA donors. Monitor the use of these texts in the curriculum of UNRWA schools and programs of UNRWA youth clubs.

3. Commission new movies in the languages of donors, shot on location at UNRWA schools.

4. Investigate the involvement of terror groups in  UNRWA,  beginning with teachers unions.

5. Commission still pictures at each UNRWA camp, especially posters and graffiti.   

6. Monitor NGOs that operate in UNRWA…for evidence of terrorism and corruption.

7. Organize descendants of those who were murdered by Dalal El Mugrabe to demand removal of the leading PA/UNRWA text which glorifies her as a hero.

8. Facilitate weapons and munitions inspections of UNRWA schools.

9. Monitor cash donations to UNRWA for evidence of organized crime and funds for terror.

10. Hire local and international PR firms to publicize our research on UNRWA.  

Campaign Financed Only Through Private Donations: https://israelbehindthenews.com/donations/

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