(Online) Unrwa-Monitor.com

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A call to bring the facts to the UK about UNRWA

The British government has announced that it will renew funds to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.


The UK has not placed any restrictions on these funds, which means that new UK allocation to UNRWA can be used to buttress the new war indoctrination curriculum that the Center for Near East Policy Research has recently translated in full.


The UK could have conditioned allocations to UNRWA upon fundamental principles of accountability and transparency. The UK did not yet do so,


Such allocations will reinforce the Hamas terror takeover of UNRWA facilities in Gaza:


The time has come to offer experts who have researched UNRWA to brief the movers and shakers of the British Parliament and British media

The films of UNRWA speak for themselves.


Seeing is believing.

The Center for Near East Policy Research is ready to dispatch its UNRWA experts to London to help balance the picture- not to decimate UNRWA, ​which cannot be done, ​
but to reform UNRWA​, which can be done through he donor nations.​


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